How do we choose takaful or insurance?

Should we invest now in something that may or may not happen later?

That’s a bit like not having takaful or insurance when life throws surprises at you. Just like the unpredictable Malaysian weather, life can be full of unexpected twists.

“Just like the unpredictable Malaysian weather, life can be full of unexpected twists.”

The optimism bias – you know, that little voice that says, “It won’t happen to me” – might lead some to underestimate the chances of things going south. It’s like thinking it won’t rain when the sky is clearly full of clouds. People often overlook the need for protection, like underestimating the odds of a surprise rainstorm or, more seriously, an accident.

So, when do we start thinking about takaful or insurance? Usually, it’s at times when we wish we had thought about it earlier. It’s like wishing for an umbrella when you’re already drenched. We start to value the importance of takaful or insurance when life reminds us how unpredictable it can be.

Humans are social creatures – no news there. And our decisions about takaful or insurance? They’re often influenced by those around us. If our friends and family are chatting about their takaful plans at the family gathering, it gets us thinking too. 

Here’s the catch – just because everyone’s doing it or not doing it, doesn’t mean it’s always right for you. It’s like being caught in a massive traffic jam during balik kampung season, while quieter travel times could offer a more pleasant journey.

And here’s the real talk: We might not think we need takaful because, hey, life’s good, right? But, when the unexpected happens, whether to us or someone close, we realise the value of having that safety net.

“Carrying an umbrella doesn’t stop the rain, but it sure keeps you dry.”

So, let’s make smart choices. Not just because everyone else is doing it, but because it’s what’s best for us and our loved ones. After all, carrying an umbrella doesn’t stop the rain, but it sure keeps you dry.

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