Awal Muharram: How the Islamic New Year Inspires Modern Takaful Practices

The hijrah story that continues to inspire.

Awal Muharram, also known as Maal Hijrah, marks the beginning of a new year in the Islamic calendar. But more than that, it also holds great significance for Muslims worldwide – historically as well as spiritually. This year, Awal Muharram falls on 7th July. At home, in schools, we were taught from a young age the values of sacrifice, jihad and unity that are synonymous to our beloved Prophet’s hijrah story. Its divine essence, much like other important Islamic historical events, continue to be relevant in today’s reality including the world of a takaful start-up like Ouch! 

Maal Hijrah – the origin

The name Maal Hijrah derives from an Arabic word ‘hijrah’ which means migration. It marks the important occasion of Prophet Muhammad’s SAW migration from Makkah to Madinah in 622 CE. This was a turning point in Islamic history, as it signified the beginning of a new era for the Muslim community.

Prophet Muhammad’s hijrah to Madinah had brought the believers to safety, away from prosecution by the Makkah pagans. This historic event had also brought peace to the people of Madinah as the Prophet restructured the administration and introduced the Madinah Charter which paved way for a multi-racial and multi-religious state with equal rights and citizenship for all.

The Charter had united the warring tribes and guaranteed the rights and safety for Muslims and non-believers alike. The basis of the Charter, it’s emphasis on fairness and equal rights, continue to be relevant till today. The spirit of Muharram challenges us to always reinvent ourselves and be brave enough to embrace new realities even in the face of adversity.

It is this spirit that has inspired Ouch! to challenge the status quo of the takaful industry and create a more accessible and affordable coverage for all through digitalisation.

The spiritual significance 

The month of Muharram is one of four sacred months in the Islamic calendar as stated in the Quran, “Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve months (in a year), so it was ordained by Allah on the Day when He created the heavens and the earth; of them, four are sacred.

That is the correct religion, so do not wrong yourselves during them…” (Al-Tawbah 9:36). And fasting in the month of Muharram is second only to Ramadan in terms of virtue. The Prophet SAW said,” The best fast after Ramadan is Allah’s month Al-Muharram” (Muslim: 1163). 

Particularly on the Day of Ashura, which falls on 10 Muharram. Muslims are encouraged to fast as it is one of the most virtuous days. During this sacred month, war is forbidden; Muslims are encouraged to increase good deeds as they are multiplied.

The Muharram spirit in takaful

Ouch! takes inspiration from Prophet Muhammad’s sacrifice and exemplary leadership for the sake of the ummah. It is our humble mission to strive to play our part in ensuring the ummah of our generation are also best protected.

The word “takaful” is derived from the Arabic word “kafalah”, meaning “guaranteeing each other”, embodies the principles of shared responsibility, cooperation, and mutual aid – values in takaful that resonate deeply with the spirit of Awal Muharram. As a takaful start-up, we are committed to fostering a community where members come together to support one another, particularly in times of need. 

Ouch! Pusara Pro participants donate a portion of their contribution to the community pool for this very purpose through the shariah concept of tabarru’. Ouch!’s accessible and affordable business model is also in line with the aspirations for an equal and just society, offering takaful coverage starting form just RM4.13 per month.

In fact, if you sign up now, you can be in the running to be one of the winners for Ouch!’s Carum dan Menang Campaign and win cash of up to RM800. The campaign will run till August 2024.

By getting yourself and your loved ones takaful coverage, you are not only just securing your financial future but also contributing to a system based on trust, cooperation, and shared responsibility.  

The story of Maal Hijrah is more than just a physical act of migration, it also encompasses the journey of change and transformation physically as well as spiritually. Prophet Muhammad SAW had laid the foundation for the modern day’s human rights to guide our lives in this modern world.

He had taught us the importance. In this sacred month, Muslims, we should strive to emulate the spirit of justice, kindness, and renewal that our beloved Prophet had so heroically displayed and be brave to embark on a journey to better ourselves.

In this light, we wish you Salam Maal Hijrah!

Find out more about Pusara Pro by clicking here or download the Ouch! Takaful mobile app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store today.


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