Takaful For New Parents

Pregnancy is an exciting phase of life – but it can also be a stressful experience for first-time parents, especially when considering the financial responsibilities that come with a new member of the family.

In Malaysia, expecting parents may have cultural considerations that make a takaful certificate an important and attractive option. A takaful certificate aligns with ethical and religious principles while providing financial protection for loved ones in unfortunate circumstances.

In this article, we’ll explain the benefits for parents who contribute to a takaful fund, and how the Ouch! Pusara Pro certificate can help support your children in case the worst should happen to you.

Protecting Your Family’s Future

Anticipating the arrival of a newborn may come with some anxiety about your financial situation. A takaful certificate can provide a safety net that helps secure your family’s financial future in case of unexpected events, such as medical complications during pregnancy or childbirth.

Medical Expense Coverage

Some takaful certificates can cover the costs of prenatal care, labour, delivery, and postnatal care. This helps alleviate the financial burden of unexpected medical bills during a time when your focus should be on your new baby.

Income Protection

If there is only one primary breadwinner in the family, or if one parent plans to stay at home to take care of the child, a takaful certificate can provide income protection. In the unfortunate event that one of you is unable to work due to health issues, disability, or even death, the takaful payout can help replace lost income and ensure your family’s financial stability.

Child’s Education Fund

Some takaful certificates often come with investment-linked options that can help you save for your child’s education expenses. Having a dedicated fund can give your child access to quality education without straining your finances.

Debt Repayment Protection

If you have outstanding debts, like a mortgage or car loan, a takaful certificate can ensure that these financial obligations are taken care of if something happens to you. This protects your spouse or children from the burden of debt payments during an already difficult time.

Child’s Guardian Provision

In the unfortunate event that both parents pass away, some takaful certificates can designate a guardian for your child and provide financial support to the guardian. This ensures that your child’s well-being and upbringing are taken care of according to your wishes.

Peace of Mind

Pregnancy is a time of joy and anticipation, but it can also be stressful and uncertain. Having a takaful certificate in place can offer peace of mind, knowing that you’ve taken steps to safeguard your family’s financial interests.

Shariah Compliance

For families who prioritise following Islamic principles, takaful provides an insurance solution that is compliant with Shariah laws and ethical considerations.

Pusara Pro: Funeral Expense Coverage for the Family

Ouch!’s Pusara Pro is a takaful certificate that offers death and compassionate claim benefits, based on the Islamic takaful concept of Khairat Kematian.

If a parent is a takaful participant, then in the unfortunate event of their death, their child does not have to worry about funeral expenses, which are paid directly to the family.

Under the Pusara Pro certificate, beneficiaries can claim 10% EXTRA from the Total Sum Covered within just 24 hours. It’s simple, easy to understand, and very accessible, with effortless document submission within the Ouch! mobile app. It’s also very affordable – up to 20% more affordable than similar coverage available through other providers.

Find out more about Pusara Pro by by clicking here or download the Ouch! Takaful & Insurance app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store today.


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Categorized as Takaful

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