Takaful Claims: The Ultimate Guide

When a loved one passes, it is never easy. You’ve got so much to manage all at once—your emotions, the funeral, and everything that follows after the event. With all of that weighing on you, a helping hand could make a world of difference. 

Let us be the ones to lend you that hand by helping you prepare in advance. Now, you’re here to learn all about making and managing takaful claims as a beneficiary, so that at least when the time comes, you’ll know exactly what to do and how to do it. Here’s everything you need to know and expect. 

The Step-by-Step of Making Takaful Claims

Step 1: Download Ouch!’s App

Your first order of duty is to download Ouch!’s app because that’s where everything will be. Through our app, you’ll be able to submit your application and follow up with its progress, search for additional information, or seek help from our representatives—everything you need is simply one button away.

Step 2: Submit Your Claim

Prepare for your application with the required documents, then proceed with making the claim on Ouch!’s app. Either log in directly to your account or choose to continue as a guest to file your claim—of course, we would recommend the former. 

Step 3: Follow Up on Your Claim’s Progress

Upon receiving your submission, Ouch! will assess your claim based on the policy’s terms and conditions. In the meantime, you can monitor the progress of your claim either through Ouch!’s app, give our careline a call, or drop us an email. If we require any further clarification or information from your end, you will be notified in writing or over the phone. 

Step 4: Claim Outcome

Assessment timeframes are undetermined and can be extended if there are any gaps in your application or the documents that you’ve submitted.

If your claim is successful, congratulations! You will be informed of the outcome immediately and the payout will take between 24 hours to 7 days. 

If your claim has been denied, however, you can review the paperwork and learn why it has been rejected. If you’d like to understand better, you can directly reach out to our team for further explanation as well. It isn’t the end of the world though, as you can appeal with the relevant supporting documents for a reassessment. 

We understand that these moments can be difficult and we want to do all that we can to help you regain your balance after the event. The death of a loved one, whether expected or not, can oftentimes throw us off course—both emotionally and financially. 

The aim of the life protection plan is to secure the well-being of the family in the case of unfortunate events such as death occurring to you. The payout received can be put to good use to protect your family’s future by covering hefty bills such as medical costs, education funds, and debt repayments, or simply serve as temporary income replacement. 

With that said, it’s important to note that your payout should be carefully spent on or saved for what matters most. Are there any immediate needs that you have to attend to or are you able to set the funds aside and save for long-term financial security? Consider your situation and circumstances first, then make the best possible decision for yourself and the rest of your loved ones. 

Throughout the whole process, it is our guarantee to you that all legal and financial matters will be handled with the utmost sensitivity and care to ease you in such difficult times. Rest assured that we will make every effort to smooth the situation over for you and that you can reach out to us if you need any assistance at all. 

Find out more about Pusara Pro here or download Ouch!’s Takaful & Insurance app from the App Store or Google Play Store today. 


Please note that the information presented within our blog articles and/or by our esteemed brand ambassadors/KOLs is intended solely to provide general insight. It should not be construed as legally binding in any manner whatsoever. While we strive to maintain accuracy and currency, we do not guarantee the completeness, reliability, or suitability of the information shared. 

For matters requiring legal validity or formal confirmation, we strongly advise referring to official certifications, authorised documentation, or pertinent sources. To ensure clarity and obtain authoritative guidance, please consider reaching out to an authorised Ouch! Representative through our established communication channels. 

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