Top 4 Reasons Why Life Takaful Is Important – Even For Young People Like You!

Don’t believe that life insurance / takaful and young people go together? We want to change your mind! Keep reading to see why life insurance / takaful is worth your time and money.

But before you do that, help us out by answering this question: have you (or someone you know) said this before: “Life insurance / takaful is not worth it because I’m young, healthy, and have no kids.”

If you said yes, we hear you. You may feel strong, fit, and on the top of the world. And there’s NO WAY that anything could happen to you, right? So why are we telling you to consider getting a life insurance / takaful plan? Here’s our top 4 reasons:

1. You’re young and healthy and will pay less for life insurance / takaful.

Did you know, younger people are charged less if they apply for life insurance / takaful? This is because there’s a lower chance of you experiencing serious medical conditions at this stage of your life.

Unlike people who are older than you, you’re probably not going to suffer from a heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure any time soon. So to an insurance company, insuring you is less risky and possibly cheaper!

The lower the risks of you getting sick or dying when you’re insured, the lower the chances of the insurance company needing to pay you. And this lowers your insurance premium (ie: how much you pay to stay insured).

Plus, being younger and healthier also makes it easier to get your life insurance / takaful approved. The insurance company will look closely at your personal medical history and current lifestyle habits, which are indicators of your future health.

If you exercise regularly, avoid drug use, and do not drink excessively, chances are that your life insurance / takaful application will go smoother.

But by now you’d be asking yourself: if I’m healthy today and stay healthy for the next 5 to 10 years, why can’t I just buy life insurance / takaful later?

Unfortunately, health problems will creep up on you as you age. And an unexpected illness will make your insurance premiums go up or make you uninsurable. Don’t take that risk.

2. You’re smart and know how to financially plan ahead.

Most of us want to have a family. Maybe not within the next year, or even the next 10 years! But your feelings and thoughts about starting your own family can change anytime.

Getting life insurance / takaful before that happens is smart. It’s because by the time you have a spouse and/or children that will depend on you and your income, you already have a form of financial security set up for them.

Securing your family’s financial future in the present helps to build a safety net for them. When you’re no longer around, life insurance / takaful helps to ensure that your spouse and children have a home to live in, receive adequate living provisions, and have access to funds for their education.

3. You’re nice and don’t like to place a burden on your family.

But hey, what if something unfortunate were to happen? You bit the dust. Kicked the bucket. And left behind tons of debt.

If you have any form of financial obligation like student loans, credit card debt, or mortgage, it’s wise to set up some form of arrangement for your loved ones because your debts don’t go away when you die.

In fact, your spouse or parents will inherit them. And they will end up paying them for you out of their own savings.

Life takaful or life insurance / takaful can prevent that from happening. It safeguards your family members from experiencing financial hardship in the event of your unexpected passing. ?

When you get life insurance / takaful and name your spouse (or another family member) as your beneficiary, they may receive enough money from the insurance company to pay off the entire debt. And maybe a little extra to pay the monthly bills and university fees.

4. You’re cool and know about the affordable life takaful plan with Ouch!

So you’re now finding out that life takaful is a smart investment for your future (and the future of your family). But you’re not sure if you have the budget to pay for the insurance premium every month.

But since you’re reading this, you know that Ouch! is a cool platform that offers a simplified Takaful life protection. With Pusara Pro, you can afford to provide financial assistance to your loved ones upon your passing from as low as RM 4.13 per month. And they can be easily purchased on the Ouch! Takaful & Insurance app or the official website within minutes.

Find out more about Pusara Pro by clicking here or download the Ouch! Takaful & Insurance app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store today.

Disclaimer: Please be aware that the information presented within our blog articles and/or by our esteemed brand ambassadors/KOLs is intended solely for the purpose of providing general insights. It should not be construed as legally binding in any manner. While we strive to maintain accuracy and currency, we do not guarantee the completeness, reliability, or suitability of the information shared.

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