3 Konsep Takaful: Insurans Yang Lebih Unik

Takaful ialah satu bentuk insurans berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip Syariah Islam dengan konsep perkongsian risiko dan keuntungan dalam komuniti. Dalam takaful, peserta diberi tanggungjawab untuk melindungi satu sama lain. Oleh itu, setiap ahli akan menyumbangkan wang ke dalam dana terkumpul demi membantu satu sama lain daripada kerugian atau kerosakan. Sijil takaful ini merangkumi perlindungan kesihatan, hayat dan keperluan am.

Categorized as Takaful

The 3 Concepts of Takaful: A Unique Approach to Insurance

Takaful is a type of cooperative insurance based on Islamic principles which promote risk-sharing and mutual assistance within a community. Individuals are responsible for the protection of one another, so members contribute money into a shared pool to guarantee each other against loss or damage. Takaful certificates cover health, life, and general insurance needs.

Categorized as Takaful

Takaful For New Parents

Pregnancy is an exciting phase of life – but it can also be a stressful experience for first-time parents, especially when considering the financial responsibilities that come with a new member of the family.

Categorized as Takaful

Is the Pusara Pro For You?

Life is full of uncertainties, but your financial security shouldn’t be one of them. The Ouch! Pusara Pro certificate offers a reliable and robust protection plan that goes above and beyond for you and your family. But is it the right fit for you and your unique needs? Let’s look into the benefits and features of the Pusara Pro coverage.