Thinning Wallet? 4 Expert Tips to Thrive Despite Rising Living Costs

Financial stress overwhelming you?As living costs skyrocket and subsidies disappear, it’s time to get creative with your finances. But where do you start? Could takaful offer better protection than traditional life insurance? How might hibah principles strengthen your financial strategy? Take a deep breath and dive in: we’ve compiled smart, practical recommendations to help you navigate these turbulent financial waters.

Be the Top 26% of Malaysians with Financial Literacy

Did you know 84% of Malaysians do not have regular savings? Are you one of them? Do you worry about debt? Have you ever thought about making your money work for you? These are some of the questions that come to mind when we talk about financial literacy.

If you are just beginning to delve into financial literacy, you are at the right place. We have prepared a simple guide to help get you started on your financial literacy journey.